About Us

Our Services

Our firm has a commitment to quality engineering work and customer service, and we offer a variety o


Our firm has a commitment to quality engineering work and customer service, and we offer a variety of services.

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Mission Statement



“To enable Our Client’s success by providing valued, responsive and Eco-friendly engineering solutions”




We are a local company with local roots and commitments to the Community.    

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Contact Us

Questions & Estimates

We'd love to hear from you! Please reach out at your convenience so we can discuss your project.

Richard W. Carr, PE

P.O. Box 661, 3666 Meadowview Dr, Alexandria, Kentucky 41001

(513) 260-2982 Rick.Carr@fuse.net

Hours (Cell Phone Anytime)

Monday - Saturday: 7am - 10pm

Sunday: Closed

Start a Free Estimate


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